Date: 17 th Of January 2024 

Article 1:


1.1. The name of the Association shall be "Bowling Academy Malta", hereafter referred to as "Organisation" or "BAM".

1.2. This organisation is governed by the Voluntary Organisations Act (Chapter 492 of the Laws of Malta), hereby referred to as the Act unless otherwise indicated.

Article 2:


2.1 The official registered address of the Organisation is: 2 Wimbledon CRT. Triq Il-Mensija. San Giljan, STJ 1963 or such other address as may be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.

Article 3:


3.1 The aims of the Bowling Academy Malta are to embraces all Maltese and International athletes of all backgrounds who share the common passion for Tenpin Bowling. We strive to create a healthy environment for training, education, fitness and friendship.

Article 4:


4.1 The general purpose of the organisation is to provide intensive professional training and coaching to help our members with reaching their greatest potential and opportunities to compete at the highest level of play.

Article 5:


5.1 The Bowling Academy Malta shall have the following objectives:

a) To promote and provide equal playing opportunities to all individuals with different abilities, at all ages with no distinction between gender and ethnicity and to enhance the overall sporting experience of our members.

b) To foster the growth and development in the game of Tenpin Bowling, by providing innovative coaching sessions to learn, improve and develop competitive level bowling skills from the Academy's ETBF and USBC licensed coaches in a safe, equitable and child friendly environment.

c) Create and implement a National development program for juniors that want to join the National Sport School in Pembroke.

d) Creating a pathway, information and support for students that are seeking a college bowling scholarship abroad.

e) Organizing seminars with a goal of teaching those in attendance the basic skills needed to teach the fundamentals of bowling to youths!

f) To form part of any national/international Organisation/s whose objectives are similar to that of the Organisation.

g) To solve problems in our sport by solutions through different research activities.

h) To improve the qualities of life for individuals and contribute for the betterment of the community.

i) To raise funds by means of subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the Organisation in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorised by the Committee of Management.

j) liaise closely with the national and international governing bodies regarding common interests.

k) To do all that which is necessary, ancillary, incidental or conducive to the legal attainment of the above objectives.

Article 6:


6.1. The Organisation shall be autonomous and voluntary.

6.2. The Organisation shall be defined according to the definition given in the Act and any excess of funds received or generated from its activities must always be reinvested in the same Organisation.

6.3. Except where the context otherwise requires, words denoting the singular include the plural and the masculine include the feminine and vice versa.

6.4. No part of the income, capital or property is or shall be made available directly or indirectly to any individual person or group of persons including but not limited to promoter, founder, member, administrator, donor or any other private interest unless the person is a recipient as defined in the objectives above.

6.5. The Executive Committee of the Organisation shall not receive any remuneration in connection with the carrying out their functions of administrators except by way of reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses if any.

6.6. The accounts of the Organisation shall be reviewed or audited on a yearly basis in accordance with the Act.

6.7. The Organisation shall submit its annual returns and respective ancillary documentation to the Commissioner of Voluntary Organisations in compliance with the Act.

6.8. Provided its autonomy is not affected, the Organisation may collaborate with other entities on a national, regional or international basis in order to further its aims.

6.9. The Organisation shall not have any political or trade union affiliation and it shall not indulge in partisan politics.

6.10. All prospective Members and Associate Members of the Organisation shall have access to the statute of Organisation upon demand which can be requested in hard copy format from the Organisation's administrative office or from the Organisation's web-site or any other electronic medium as may be indicated from time to time.

6.11. Prospective Members will be required to state that they are aware of the objectives of the Organisation.

Article 7:


7.1. All persons who have attained the age of sixteen (16) years are eligible to become Members of the Organisation with full voting rights.

7.2. Persons who have not attained the age of sixteen (16) years may become members of the organisation, provided that a certified written authorization signed by the parents and/or legal guardians is submitted to the Secretary upon application and, these minors shall have no voting rights.

7.3. Any affairs of the Organisation shall be managed by the Executive Committee of the Organisation provided that the Executive Committee shall have, as its primary function the day to day running of the organisation.

7.4. The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than 3 Members and not more than 5 Members of the Organisation who shall be elected every year at a General Meeting of The Organisation.

7.5. At the expiration of the term of office, the Executive Committee shall go out of office and assume the role of caretaker administrators until a new executive committee is formed. Members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election.

7.6. A new member who wishes to form part of the Executive Committee should be a fully subscribed Member of the Organisation.

7.7. In the event of the resignation (or termination from post for any reasons) of an Executive Committee Member, the Executive Committee shall co-opt other member/s to take his place. The other official Members of the Executive Committee will pass a vote as to who will be co-opted during a committee meeting. Any Member so appointed shall retain his office only until the next General Meeting, but he shall then be eligible for re-election.

7.8. Any Member not attending the Executive Committee meetings for three (3) consecutive times without a valid reason will be deemed to have resigned from the Executive Committee.

7.9. The elected members of the Executive Committee will elect a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer from amongst them and any other positions seen as necessary.

7.10. The Executive Committee shall be elected by secret ballot, electing those Members obtaining the highest number of votes.

7.11. Nominations for the Executive Committee must be submitted on the appropriate official forms fourteen (14) days prior to the General Meeting. In the absence of prior nominations reaching the Executive Committee on the appropriate date, the outgoing Executive Committee may invite nominations from the floor on the day of the General Meeting.

7.12. Persons convicted of any of the crimes mentioned in Titles V, VI and IX of Part II of Book First of the Criminal Code in the previous ten years shall not be eligible for appointment election to the Executive Committee to:

a) the office of treasurer, deputy treasurer or assistant treasurer or similar office of the organisation; or

b) any other office in such organisation the holder of which is responsible for the collection, disbursement, custody or control of the assets of the organisation or for its accounts; or

c) an auditor of such organisation.

Article 8:


8.1 The business of the Organisation shall be managed by the Executive Committee which shall authorise the payment of all expenses, preliminary and incidental to the management of the Organisation as they deem fit.

8.2 Legal representation of the Organisation shall be vested in the President.

8.3 The Members of the Executive Committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their constitution.

8.4 The Executive Committee is authorised to consult and seek the advice of any Member of the Organisation with the aim of improving the standing of the Organisation and the welfare of its members.

8.5 The Executive Committee is authorised to appoint an External Advisory Committees or advisor to support it in its role.

Article 9:


9.1 The President will preside at all Executive Committee meetings and General Meetings of the Organisation. The President shall undertake such functions in respect of the Organisation as the Executive Committee may determine from time to time.

9.2 The Executive Committee may also elect from among its members a Vice-President and may determine for what period he is to hold office. The Vice-President will preside on the Executive Committee with full powers in the absence of the President.

9.3 Provided that in the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, and provided a quorum is available, the Executive Committee will have the power to appoint a substitute/s from within the Executive Committee to conduct the meetings.

9.4 If the number of the Executive Committee falls below the minimum requirements set in this statute, the Executive Committee shall co-opt another person who shall retain his office only until the next General Meeting but then shall be eligible for re-election.

Article 10:


10.1 The Secretary will be primarily responsible for all the secretarial and administrative work of the Executive Committee.

10.2 The Executive Committee may elect from among its members an Assistant Secretary to assist the Secretary as necessary.

10.3 The Secretary and his assistant shall undertake such functions in respect of the Organisation as the Executive Committee may determine from time to time.

Article 11:


11.1 The Treasurer will be responsible for all the record keeping of income and expenditure of the organisation.

11.2 The Executive Committee may elect from among its members an Assistant Treasurer to assist the Treasurer.

11.3 The Treasurer and his Assistant shall undertake such functions in respect of the Organisation as the Executive Committee determines from time to time.

Article 12:


12.1 The office of an official member of the Committee shall be vacated before the expiration of his period of office:

a) If he ceases to be a member of the Organisation.

b) If by notice in writing to the Organisation, he resigns from office.

c) If he is removed from office by a resolution duly passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

d) If he was convicted of any of the crimes mentioned in Titles V, VI and IX of Part II of Book First of the Criminal Code in the previous ten years shall not be eligible for appointment in the Executive Committee or any other offence that runs counter to the objectives, policies, beliefs and mission statement of the organisation

e) If he is responsible of repetitive disruption of meetings and hinders the function of the Organisation.

12.2 Provided that, notwithstanding any action intended to remove an administrator on such grounds shall be preceded by a notice in writing, in electronic or postal form, to such person stating the alleged reasons for such removal and providing such person with a responsible opportunity to defend himself and rebut the allegations. Following this, the Executive Committee is to hold another meeting where a secret vote is taken on the issue and the vote taken during this meeting is final.

Article 13:


13.1 Subject as hereinafter provided, the Executive Committee may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they deem fit. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every three (3) months.

13.2 The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Executive Committee shall be 50%+1 of the number of members on the Executive Committee as indicated in Article 7.4 of this statute provided that if no quorum is present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to another day within two weeks. If at such adjourned meeting no quorum is present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting shall proceed accordingly.

13.3 Matters decided at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a simple majority of votes. In case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson of the meeting shall ask for a re-vote. In the event of an equality of votes on the revote, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

13.4 On the request of the Chairperson (President) or his/her Deputy (Vice-President) the Secretary shall, at any time, summons a meeting of the Executive Committee by notice (stating the time and place of such a meeting). This notice has to be served upon the members of the Executive Committee by postal or electronic mail giving a notice of at least five working days.

13.5 The Executive Committee may delegate any of its powers to sub committees consisting of such member or members of the Executive Committee or of such other persons as it deems fit, and any subcommittee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations imposed on it by the Executive Committee.

13.6 The Executive Committee shall cause proper minutes to be made at all times, including of all appointments of officers made by the Executive Committee and of the proceedings of all meetings of the Organisation and of the Executive Committee and of sub committees of the Executive Committee.

13.7 All business transacted at such meetings, and any such minutes of any meeting, if purporting to be signed by the President and Secretary of such meeting, or by the President and Secretary of the next succeeding meeting, shall be sufficient evidence without any further proof of the facts therein stated.

13.8 The Executive Committee shall prepare accounts and reports on a regular basis as prescribed by the Act. Such accounts, reports and records shall be held for a period of ten years.

13.9 The Executive Committee is responsible to submit the required documentation as prescribed by the Act and its subsidiary legislation to the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.

Article 14:


14.1 Applications for membership shall not be considered unless;

a) accompanied by the applicable fee.

b) The membership fee shall be payable annually in advance and shall fall due as determined by the Executive Committee;

c) If the membership fee is due and a member has not yet paid the previous year's membership fee, he shall not be entitled to vote in the next General Meeting;

d) Any Member who resigns or forfeits his membership shall on re-joining be liable to pay a readmission fee equivalent to one year's membership.

14.2 All funds received by the Organisation shall be in full and strict compliance to all relative legislation. This includes voluntary contributions, donations or grants by Members, benefactors, the State, any other institution, and from fundraising activities.

14.3 The funds of the Organisation shall be deposited in bank accounts of a local bank duly registered by the Malta Financial Standards Authority (MFSA) in the name of the Organisation and the authorised joint signatories for operating such accounts shall be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The signature of the Treasurer and one other signature of the President or Secretary will suffice.

14.4 The Treasurer shall keep such proper books of accounts as will enable him to present at every General Meeting of the Organisation, or at any other time if required (on reasonable notice to him) by the Executive Committee, an accurate report and statement concerning the finances of the Organisation.

14.5 The annual accounts of the organisation are to be drawn up for a financial period commencing on 1st January and ending on 31st December of each year.

14.6 The Executive Committee is responsible to submit the annual accounts as prescribed by the Act and its subsidiary legislation to the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations.

Article 15:


15.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Organisation shall be held at least once every calendar year. At this meeting the annual report and the accounts of the organisation as approved by the Executive Committee, as well as the report of the auditors or reviewers shall be presented and discussed. Notice of the day and time of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to each member at least fifteen (15) working days before such day by means of postal or electronic mail.

15.2 Other meetings of the Organisation may be summoned by the Executive Committee and shall be so summoned immediately upon a request in writing signed by at least ten per cent of the Members.

15.3 At any meeting of the Organisation every member of the Organisation shall be entitled to be present, and every Member shall be entitled to one (1) vote upon every matter raised. In the case of equality of voting, the President of the meeting (who shall be the outgoing President of the Executive Committee) shall have a second or casting vote. The Secretary shall take minutes of the proceedings at all General Meetings of the Organisation.

15.4 The Secretary shall present the Annual Report of the Organisation to the Annual General Meeting.

15.5 The quorum for the Annual or any Meeting shall be ten per cent (10%) of the general membership. In the absence of such quorum, the Meeting shall be held, with the same agenda, thirty minutes later and all decisions taken shall be binding on the Organisation as a whole.

15.6 The auditors and/or reviewers shall be nominated and elected by the members attending and having a right to vote at General Meetings. No auditor or reviewer of accounts who has held office on the Executive Committee during the past twelve (12) months will be eligible for nomination. No auditor or reviewer of accounts shall run for office on the Executive Committee during the following twelve (12) months.

Article 16:


16.1 Any Member or members alleged to have brought or attempted to bring disrepute on the Organisation or any other offence, shall be asked to appear before the Executive Committee and if, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the case be found proven, the Member shall be deprived of his membership. If the said Member fails to appear before the Executive Committee without justification, he shall be deprived of membership.

Article 17:


17.1 Each Member shall keep the Secretary informed of that member's private address, email address, or of some other address at which communications may be addressed to him with full accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.

Article 18:


18.1 This Statute may be revoked, added to or altered by a vote of at least fifty-one per cent (51%) of all the registered members of the Organisation who are entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Organisation of which notice has been duly given specifying the intention to propose the revocation, addition or alteration, together with full particulars thereof.

Article 19:


19.1 If at any time the Organisation shall pass in General Meeting by a majority comprising seventy-five per cent (75%) of all the registered Members present and entitled to vote a resolution of its intention to dissolve, the Executive Committee shall take immediate steps to settle any debts, and dispose of the monies and property remaining as determined by the General Meeting; and thereupon the Organisation shall for all purposes be dissolved.

19.2 In the event of dissolution of the Organisation, any remaining funds and/or property shall be donated to either, a voluntary non-profit making organisation, a non-profit charitable institution or the Voluntary Organisations Fund chosen by the outgoing Executive Committee.

19.3 In the event of dissolution of the Organisation, the outgoing Executive Committee is to inform the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations within 15 days of the decision taken to dissolve.

19.4 In the event of dissolution of the Organisation, the outgoing Executive Committee is to present all relevant documents to the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations including the original Certificate of Enrolment.

Article 20:


20.1 The Organisation hereby adopts and accepts this statute as a current operating guide, and is being certified by all the Executive Committee members.

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+356 9970 8510


Triq Santu Wistin, San Giljan, STJ 3310
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